Fast Randomized Iteration for Electronic Structure
An implementation of FRI methods for quantum chemistry
Executing FRIES Programs


The FRIES_bin directory contains source code for several different methods within the FCI-FRI/FCIQMC framework as applied to different types of systems.

Input Files

Molecular Systems

Executables that perform calculations on molecular systems (fciqmc_mol.c, frimulti_mol.c, frisys_mol.c) use the output from a Hartree-Fock calculation to calculate Hamiltonian matrix elements. The hf_path input argument specifies the path to the directory that contains these files. The HF orbitals must be ordered the same in the eris.txt, hcore.txt, and symm.txt files. These files must be named and formatted as follows:

Lattice Systems

Code for running calculations on the Hubbard model (fciqmc_hh.c and frisys_hh.c) use the parameters in the file at the path specified by the params_path input argument. See the examples for an example format of this file. The parameters are as follows:

Output Files

All executables produce the following files in the directory specified by the result_dir input parameter:

Executables for FCIQMC calculations produce these additional output files:

Executables for FCI-FRI calculations produce one additional output file: